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Built from experience. Built out of necessity.

Perfect Page Placement

Our Story

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The Problem

As Amazon sellers, we scoured the marketplace looking for a management tool to automate bid adjustments. We needed an algorithm that understood the value of each and every keyword in all campaigns and made adjustments accordingly - sometimes hourly. We could not find this tool.


We quickly recognized that the solutions available were made by advertising agencies turned into tech companies. As a result, their products were built on ineffective strategies like target ACOS'ing, which was not a winning proposition - especially for high-volume, high-value Alpha keywords. With thousands of products jockeying for page position for every keyword, a simple "break-even" strategy per keyword simply burned cash or, even worse, resulted in a limited number of impressions and sales.

As we looked further, we found that no provider was even solving the right problem. They focused on reducing ad spend when the real goal of intelligent marketing is to spend the exact amount required for optimal page placement. We recognized that effective bid management must monitor and dynamically reduce bids as competitors run out of budget - and increase bids as new competitors enter the market.

Our Solution

Acclio was born from the understanding that sellers need to achieve perfect page placement. Our algorithm is a finely tuned engine that places products in the exact page position to achieve paid and organic results that drive massive sales velocity and profitability - a concept we call Position Targeting.

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